Food & Recipes

That connects you to the Australian Bush

Food goes straight to your soul.

It connects us to the earth it was grown in, the people who grew it and the people that cook it. There’s a lot of heart that goes into producing quality food. We love a simple, rustic and wholesome style when it comes to preparing food.

When you have good ingredients, they should speak for themselves. Food should be enjoyed with friends and family - and with love. Through sharing good quality food, we not only connect to its source but to each other – in more ways than one!

Banner Credit: Pip Williams for The Bush Exchange

Be inspired by food - its source, its flavour - its power to connect...

Spring Mulberry Loaf - The Shady Baker

Spring Mulberry Loaf - The Shady Baker

It's that time of year for us - the mulberries are ripe and the kids hands are purple! They're not as tasty as the mulberries I use to pick from...
Tilly's Table Raspberry and Almond Afternoon Tea Cake

Tilly's Table Raspberry and Almond Afternoon Tea Cake

The Plain-Cake Appreciation Society {edition 33}, Raspberry & Almond Afternoon Tea Cake. This week’s Plain-Cake Appreciation Society bake is a rather robust, nutty number - a Raspberry & Almond Afternoon...
In good company recipe book

"In good company" with Sophie Hansen

  Sophie Hansen's In good company is the perfect 'foodie' gift for Christmas this year! With a Summer ahead looking a lot more social than last one, In good company, is just...

Grown and produced by our Farmer's with pride

Know where your food comes from...celebrate and share it with love.

Nothing like
snags cooked
on an open fire...

Image Courtesy: The Shady Baker


The Shady Baker

The real deal when it comes to country style cooking.

Jane Smith is passionate about producing and growing her own food and turning them into meals with love.


In good company with Sophie Hansen

A beautiful recipe book that re-emphasises the importance of connection and good times through food.