Women in Style with Goondiwindi Cotton

In the midst of promoting the Goondiwindi Polo Club's annual Tournament Bridget and her sister-in-law Liz Africano collaborated with Goondiwindi Cotton and The Farmer's Friend for their Women in Style blog series.
We spent a rainy afternoon in our stables and had a fun-filled fashion shoot that involved champagne, cheese, mud and ponies!
What more could you ask for!
Goondiwindi Cotton, and their founding director, Sam Coulton, have always been huge supporters of their local bush polo club... but it is their passion for supporting life in the bush, on all levels, in more ways than one, that is truly incredible.
You only have to speak to Sam to get a feel for his love of the bush and ensuring it can continue to provide a sustainable and authentic lifestyle for our future generations.
Below we share with you some of the incredible photos taken on the day but to view the full Goondiwindi Cotton blog series where Liz and Bridget talk all things polo and style follow the links below.
Women in Style with Bridget Coulton.
Women in Style with Liz Africano.
Photography Credit: Alisha Reading from The Farmer's Friend