How art connects us to the magic of the bush...
Image Courtesy: Meagan Jacobs
Art has the ability to light us up inside and open our eyes to a different perspective.
Art is a massive inspiration behind The Bush Exchange. It has the ability to connect us to places when we can’t quite get there ourselves.
If you’re feeling disconnected, overwhelmed or just out of touch, a simple glance at an art work can instantly lift your spirits by evoking feelings of awe and wonder. It often heroes our beautiful landscape, life and culture.

Artwork courtesy of Kerry McInnis
Here we share some of the artworks we’ve come across on Instagram that have inspired us on our journey so far….
We love sharing art inspiration that connects us to the Australian bush, its people and culture and all the wonderful artists that create bush magic.

There’s something about sunlight on gum trees that soothes the soul. How beautiful is this piece and all artwork of @kiatamasonart.
Kiata’s works can be found via @arthousegallery and @akbellingergallery.

Focus on the simply beautiful things…
Appreciating art, like a good book, is such a great way to be transported to another place, without physical travel!
This art work by @riley.suzie truly makes us smile through its vivid colours and connection to our raw landscape.
What’s making you smile at the moment?

When colour speaks louder than words.
Colour like art, is a universal language that connects us all.
Talented visual artist Meagan Jacobs uses colour and ‘feel’ inspired by her rich cultural experiences in the remote communities of the Northern Territory to create an abstract language that can be read by all through her striking landscape representations.
Her vivid use of abstract colour creates a beautiful energy as it draws us into our strikingly raw Australian landscape.
You can learn more about Meagan here.

Who wishes they were a cowboy riding in the night sky?
Let Becca Stadtlander transport you to somewhere you’d rather be through her dreamy illustrations.
Some more rich colours from the intuitive Kerry McInnis.
For some, there hasn’t been a more bitter sweet time to appreciate the Australian landscape.
The wonderful thing about art is, it can bring the evocative colours of our spell-bounding landscape into your home, when maybe you can’t quite get there yourself

Love this simple explanation of how the inspiring @richard_claremont chooses the colours for his paintings.
‘There’s no secret really. I look for the tiniest fragments in nature… and magnify them. Ever seen light refracted through a breaking wave? It’s there… the pink. Ever looked closely at quartz crystals in a rock? In the right light the purple specks glint like jewels.’
The spell-bounding magic of light and colour – sometimes we just need to stop for a while to see it!
Hope everyone’s finding a little magic in their day.